Estimates in Ciesta are based on a huge database of historical data/information. The tremendous database is built up (formatted and systematized) in a detailed and intelligent way, which makes it possible to efficiently build a new estimate based on compound details. These data may be applied by an experienced estimator in order to select the best data foundation for an estimate. Ciesta allows the estimator to select a set of historical data items that is best suited for the project in question. This is done through extensive use of graphical presentations of weight and cost historical data items for estimates at different levels. This graphical presentation allows the estimator to detect trends in the underlying historical data set as well as selecting the most relevant set of historical data items.
What constitutes a relevant set of data items must be based on the estimator’s professional judgements. Thus, Ciesta is not a black box producing estimates beyond the estimators’ control. On the contrary, Ciesta aims to make optimal use of the estimator’s professional competence and experience. Transparency, control and documentation of estimates are therefore top priorities in Ciesta.