Citec Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
We treat others with respect and equality. We believe in the trusteeship concept. Operating in a responsible and sustainable manner is important to Citec Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
CSR Vision
Our vision is – “to respect the interest of all stakeholders and create value for all of them, to remain a responsible corporate entity mindful of its social responsibilities to all stakeholders, to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate, to build a better, sustainable way of life and overall betterment of the society at large. In so doing emphasis should be given to ethics, transparency and accountability”.
CSR Activities and Implementation process:
The CSR Activities would be chosen for implementation by the Company in compliance with the provisions of Section 135 read together with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules framed there under as amended time to time.
All projects are identified from the local areas in a participatory manner, in consultation with the employees and community, with deeper understanding and gauging the basic needs. The proposals are presented to CSR Committee of directors for their final approval.
The focus areas inclusive but not restrictive are :
- Education wherein our endeavour is to spark the desire for learning and knowledge at every stage, impart education, and making education affordable.
- Health care wherein our goal is to render quality health care facilities to people living in the local area, nearby villages and elsewhere through proper infrastructure, medical facilities, supply of medicines, conducting medical camps, Blood donation camps, donations to facilitate better medical facilities, medical treatment etc..
- Contribution to the society at large to facilitate sustainable livelihood by assisting in skill development by providing direction and technical expertise, vocational training, Technical training, partnership with industrial training institutes, women empowerment,.
- Infrastructure development towards renewable sources of energy, safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.
- Upliftment of human life and sustainable development of community at large.
Monitoring Mechanism
A CSR Committee of the Company shall nominate certain existing Employees of the Company to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the projects approved by the CSR Committee. The said employees shall be responsible for effective implementation and Monitoring of the CSR Activities and will submit periodic reports to the CSR Committee of the Company on the progress of the various plans or projects approved by the Committee.
The CSR Committee shall review its CSR Policy from time to time and make suitable changes as may be required, submit the same for approval of the Board and publish the same on website of the Company.
Management Commitment
Our Board of Directors, members of CSR committee, our Management and all of our employees subscribe to the philosophy of compassionate care. We believe and act on an ethos of generosity and compassion, characterised by a willingness to build a society that works for everyone.