Thomas Johansson, Head of Process Engineering at CitecThomas Johansson, Head of Process Engineering, has won the prestigious EFCA (European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations) Future Leaders’ Competition.

From a total of 24 high quality entries across nine different European countries, the jury saw in Thomas’ project distinctive characteristics that point directly in the direction of change.

The jury concluded that Thomas has been one of the company’s high performing and young leaders since several years. With this project, he shows the jury and his company that his new title and award of Future Leader of the Year 2020 is well deserved. The project case was the carbon capture project that Thomas and Citec has performed with Fortum Oslo Varme AS in Norway.

”I am very proud of winning the Future Leaders’ competition. It feels truly great to win after a lengthy process of several application and qualification rounds”, says a happy Thomas. ”I would like to thank the team at Citec, and of course also my customer contacts at Fortum, who have successfully taken the carbon capture project to the promising stage it is today”, says Thomas Johansson.

“On behalf of Citec, we congratulate Thomas for this excellent achievement. The competition was very tough with strong participants from many European countries. This is a proof of that Citec really has great talents on international level, that our process engineering, project management and leadership is on a strong level. Our customers have recognized our capability for instance in this project. I am proud of this gold medal won by Thomas and Citec”, says Sakari Koivuniemi, Managing Director, Citec Finland & member of the SKOL board.

Thomas has been attached to the Project Oslo Carbon Capture as Lead Process Engineer. If realized, the plant will be the first of its kind in the world, i.e. a full-scale post combustion carbon capture plant integrated with a waste to energy plant. The jury recognises, in this project, a totally new type of technical solution, a strong and positive effect on sustainability, with a remarkable innovative turn. The jury believes that it will lead to a radical decrease of CO2 emissions through carbon capturing and will have a huge influence on environmental conditions and, by extent, on the social wellbeing in the future.

For project and technology facts, read about carbon capturing in our stakeholder magazine and contact us at Citec for more information.