Citec India has added new office space in Navi Mumbai. The new office is situated on the 11 floor of the V times square commercial complex, Sector 15, CBD Belapur.
Located in an elite premises, our brand new office looks fabulous with a world class interior and accommodates more than 135 personnel.
“When a business performs well, then there’s growth and there are new offices. Our Indian operation is a good example of the same. I am happy to see our Indian unit grow.”, says Martin Strand, CEO.
Our old office in Mumbai will continue to be our head office for Citec India and the new unit will be a branch office.
“This new office which is our second unit in Mumbai, is a clear sign that we are expanding at pace in India. With all the recruitment plans aligned for the year, we needed more room for expansion. And we yet have a long way to go.”, says Nasir Mulani, Managing Director, Citec India.