Tampere open house on May 25th
Citec Information has now settled in its new offices in Dynamo Business Park in Tampere, and has invited its customers to join an open house event on Wednesday, May 25th.
We have invited Tapani Nummelin from Metso to speak at the event. Tapani will discuss “How documentation and information flow can support the turnkey delivery”
Also, Ilkka Palola from Citec Information will continue with the same theme and present “Everything flows? Experiences from information structure projects”
Citec Academy 2011 on June 9th
Citec academy is a customer seminar organised every year by Citec Information. Customers and prospects come together with Citec information consultants and sales representatives to discuss information challenges, solutions and the future of the business.
This year, the seminar will focus on Web 3.0 and Enterprise information management – and what it could mean to our customers’ business. Empower’s development director Juhani Vanhala will be the keynote speaker of the seminar. Other speakers include Sanna Korhonen, R&D director at Citec Information and Rune Westergård, Chairman of the board of Citec companies. Moreover during the day participants will have many opportunities to interact with other guests in similar lines of business.
The academy takes place in Helsinki on June 9th.
For more information contact caroline.bondier@citec.com